The Tepon Equiestrian Club Inc., Lot 967 Longlands Gap Road, Wondecla. PO Box 457, Herberton 4887
COSTS AND CONDITIONS OF HIRE Individuals and clubs may hire the Tepon equestrian park. The park is primarily set up for horse related events however should you have a non horse related event please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Membership of one of our affiliated clubs will allow you to use the grounds for your own personal use without incurring a charge. Any member wishing to use the venue to run a seminar, hold a clinic, instruct students etc. can do so by hiring the Tepon Equestrian Park. Contact Tennille Lange (0428801966) or Kym Clark (0427404600), alternatively please email teponequestrian@gmail.com. Members using the grounds for their own personal use will donate $10 per person per night for camping. No camping donations are applicable when hiring the grounds. FEE’S FOR USE OF GROUNDS BY GROUPS OR INDIVIDUALS: Affiliated membership for clubs per year price on application Ground Hire: full day only (no night) $ 165 day & night $ 220 2 days & nights $ 425 3 days & nights $ 630 4 days & nights $ 840 5 days & nights $ 930 6 days & nights $ 1000 weekly $ 1100 Lights for the arena are coin operated Club House Hire: day $ 75 night $ 75 Only Club House Hire, may not use the Grounds A liquor licence is required if alcohol is to be sold, this is the responsibility of the hirer of the Clubhouse. Booking a date: Bookings made more than 60 days prior to the date of hire require a 50% NON – REFUNDABLE deposit to be paid. The remaining 50% plus the $200 bond must be paid 30 days prior to the hire date. Bookings made less than 60 days prior to the hire date will require to be paid in full including the $200 bond. The full fee will still incur the 50% NON – REFUNDABLE charge. The $200 bond will be returned by cheque providing the Grounds have been left in good order and condition. An inspection will be carried out in the days after the last day of hire and before the Grounds are hired to further users. A certificate of currency or a copy of the public liability insurance for the club or person hiring the grounds is required at the time of hiring. The hirer will also be required to sign an indemnity form. Use of the Grounds: The Tepon Equestrian Park is set up primarily for horse related activities. Other non – horse related events are acceptable, however, for non- horse related events, discussions are required regarding the appropriate use of the Grounds. Keys: It is the responsibility of the Hirer to arrange for pickup of the keys. Hirer can contact Tennille Lange (0428 801 966) or Kym Clark (0427 404 600) or arrange opening of facilities on hire days. If you are unfamiliar with the Grounds an arrangement can be made for a committee member to meet and show you the Grounds’ facilities. On completion of the hire period, keys must be returned to Herberton Hardware. If this is not possible, please make alternative arrangements at the time of booking. When returning keys, a signed cleaning checklist is required. Glass: The ENTIRE Tepon Equestrian Park is a GLASS FREE ZONE. NO EXCEPTIONS including campsites. No compromise will be entered into regarding this condition. Cleaning: The cleaning of the Grounds, Amenities, Arena and Yards is the responsibility of the hirer. The Tepon Equestrian Club offers a cleaner for the Club House and Amenities for an additional $200.00 if required. Cleaning products and tools are available in the storeroom of the Clubhouse. Toilet paper is supplied in the large locked toilet roll holders only; any additional toilet paper is to be supplied by the hirer. The hirer is not responsible for refilling the locked toilet roll holders. All rubbish must be removed from the grounds. Ensure items such as paper cups, candy papers, plastic bags etc. are picked up and removed from around the entire grounds. All horse yards (permanent or temporary) and the Undercover Arena area must be cleaned of all manure and hay/horse food. This waste can be placed in the manure bins located on either side of the permanent horse yards. Manure rakes and wheelbarrows are provided for your convenience and are located in the tool shed adjacent to the permanent horse yards. Ensure that only manure and hay/horse food is placed in these bins. Do not place manure or hay at the base of trees or any other location. Any equipment moved from the Arena storage area must be put back from where it came after use. Do not leave any equipment in the Arena area (undercover or open area). A cleaning check list hangs on the cupboard door in the kitchen and is also attached to these conditions of hire. Only when the grounds and amenities have been cleaned correctly will the bond be returned. Bring your own tea towels and dish wash liquid. Fires: A large fire pit is located at the front of the club house. No other fires are to be made in or around the clubhouse. If camp fires are made they must be 4m minimum from trees and other facilities. Please keep all camp fires as small as possible. All fires must be extinguished using water. DO NOT bury fires. All ash and debris to be removed Rubbish: All rubbish must be taken away by the hirer. The council operated Waste Transfer station is located on Syme Road. This is located approximately 3km from Herberton on the Irvinebank road. Opening times can be found on this site: http://herberton.qld.au/council-services Alternatively, for a small fee, a private agreement can be made with Mr Norm Field to pick up and dispose of the rubbish. This agreement will be solely between the hirer and Mr Field AND MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF HIRE OF THE GROUNDS. Ph: 40962864 A number of drums and bins are located around the Clubhouse. Please place bin liners in these drums to make it easier for rubbish removal. The hirer is responsible for the supply of bin liners. Please also use bin liners for the small bins in the toilets (normal white shopping bags fit them). Helmets: The Tepon Equestrian Club highly recommends that all riders wear helmets approved to AS NZS 3838-2006 at all times whilst mounted. Horse Vaccinations: The Tepon Equestrian Club highly recommends that all horses are vaccinated against Hendra Virus, Tetanus and Strangles. The Tepon Equestrian club will not be held liable for any infected horses that enter the Grounds or become infected on the Grounds. At certain times of the year there are Flying Foxes feeding in our tree’s, at these times we highly recommend not to camp with your horse under trees. Campsite Power: A limited number of power outlets are available for campsite power. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that any extension leads used, carry an in date Test Tag. Extension leads ARE NOT to be run across main thoroughfares or in areas where they may be subject to damage or create a trip hazard. When hiring the Grounds camping is included. When camping as a member of one of our affiliated clubs outside a club day a camping donation of $10 per night is required. Please contact Tennille Lange or Kym Clark to arrange opening of toilets/showers and collection of camping donations.